Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Molly loves pinatas. She gets so excited whenever she's at a party where they have one, and she always requests to have one for her party. This year, she helped me make a purple rosebud pinata for her party.
She was very excited to help. She had made a paper mache globe in kindergarten, so she felt like she knew exactly what to do.
I found a recipe for paste online that just required cooking flour and water together. The paste worked really well, but it was thick and lumpy. Molly thought it was really disgusting. I think they had just used glue or wallpaper paste at her school, and she was convinced I was doing it all wrong and that lumpy paste couldn't possibly work. :)

At the party, Molly blindfolded her guests and helped them spin around. Thankfully, the pinata was pretty strong. All the girls got to have a chance at hitting the pinata before it finally cracked completely open, spilling the candy.

Later, the girls were all busy in the dining room making sparkly bead bracelets. We all heard a pounding sound. Alex was in the kitchen, beating the remains of the pinata. Ha!

This is what was left after Alex finished. :)
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1 comment:

Joslin3 said...

HA! Alex is such a crack up. Love it.