Tuesday, August 14, 2007

VBS and other things

We had our first VBS (Vacation Bible School) at Hiawatha Church last week. It was really fun. Here's Molly on the stage with the cute VBS characters and set. :) The program was called "Tumbleweed Gulch", and it was a western theme.

Molly has a good friend name Calvin at church, and he was in her VBS class. On Monday when we where getting ready to go, I told Molly to get her shoes on. I told her she could wear her gold flip flops.
Molly: These?
Emily: Yes, those.
Molly: Do you think Calvin will like these?
Emily: I think so.
Molly: Well, if he doesn't like them, I will wear something different.

Isn't that cute? Molly has also given Calvin her craft project from Kid's Church almost every week for the last month, saying, "Calvin, I made this for YOU!" I'll have to try to get a photo of them together sometime.

Molly got to open a few birthday gifts early when Grandma and Grandpa Loeschke came to visit this past weekend. Thanks for the cool stuff! Thanks to Great Grandma Ruth for the fun card games, too!

Molly, Molly's Grandpa, and I were playing one of the card games (an animal matching game) for the first time. Molly was lucky enough to have the the right cards to win on her very first turn, before the rest of us even got a turn. We were laughing about that when Molly said, "Don't worry Grandpa, you'll get the hang of it eventually." :)

We went with some friends to Como Zoo yesterday. It was free Carousel Day! Fun!

Molly and Alex were having fun art time together last night. :)

Alex likes to lock himself in our front coat closet. It has one of those push button locks on the knob. Thankfully, I can pop the lock out with a wire from the outside. I think lately he's been doing it on purpose, though. This morning, he got a whole package of dried bananas (which he loves), ran to the coat closet, and locked himself inside.
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