Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Alex's tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

On April 19, Alex had surgery to have his tonsils and adenoids removed.
His tonsils and adenoids were enormous. They were causing him to snore, and they were affecting his speech and sleep.

This photo shows Alex waiting for his surgery at Children's Hospital. The hospital has special pajamas for the kids to wear rather than hospital gowns. I think we did a good job preparing Alex for the surgery, and he was a really brave little guy that day.

Here is Alex eating his first popsicle after surgery. He did really well that day. He finished off 8 popsicles before he fell asleep that night.

Another popsicle photo.

Now, a month later, Alex is doing really well. His throat has healed, and he's back to eating all kinds of foods. We're thankful that he had no complications or problems after the surgery. Already his speech is clearer, and he sleeps silently now.

Alex said his favorite parts of being in the hospital were eating all the bomb pops he wanted and being able to push the buttons on the hospital bed to make the head of his bed go up and down.
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Sammy said...

What a brave little guy!

Joslin3 said...

He was SO brave! I'm just now checking your blog after a long hiatus.