Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fun times with messes

On Monday, Alex was playing in the kitchen. I found him dumping salt. He had moved a chair from the table over to the island, climbed up on it, and grabbed the salt shaker from the middle of the island. It flows quickly, and he poured it ALL out. Then he grabbed the pepper. Yikes!

Here's a photo of his salty feet. There was a ton on the floor, too.

Right after I got this cleaned up, a friend stopped over. She mentioned that when her son was this age, she let him play with uncooked rolled oats in a little tub with spoons and things. I happened to have an unopened container of cheap oatmeal, so I poured it into an ice cream bucket and gave it to Alex with another large container and a few spoons and measuring cups. He was happily scooping from one container and pouring it into the other. I went to take care of some things and left him playing. Molly came downstairs and apparently got a few more kitchen utensils. Then I do not know who did what, but when I walked back into the kitchen, I saw THIS: (mess below).

Ok, so it's kind of hard to see at this size, but there was oatmeal EVERYWHERE! I do not know how they got it spread all across the kitchen that quickly. Thank goodness it's cheap and easy to sweep up!

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