Alex is such a curious little guy. He is always investigating and trying to figure out how everything works. I think that will help him later in life, but it makes him more challenging as a toddler. He is STILL always getting into things.
This morning, I was writing an email when Molly ran upstairs to use the bathroom. Then Alex went looking for her. I got a feeling I needed to go check on him, and right then Molly yelled, "MOM, Alex is getting into something he shouldn't!"
I ran upstairs to find Alex with cute little mascara cat whiskers all over his cheeks. At least they washed right off.
Molly and I went to Target yesterday for groceries and to pick out a box of Valentines for her to give to her friends. On the way there, she told me that she really would like to have her very own calendar. I asked her if she would like one that goes on the wall, and she said she wanted one she could hold. Cory and I had been trying to think of a treat Molly could have if she agreed to turn in all the candy she got at a friend's birthday party and also any candy she gets for Valentine's day. This sounded like a good idea, so I asked Molly if a calendar would be a good thing to have instead of all that candy. She said yes and was soooo excited!
In Target, I found a little planner with monthly calendar pages. She LOVES it. She knew that it was February 10 yesterday, and this morning she brought her planner down with her when she woke up. She opened it to February and pointed to 11 and said, "It's February 11 today." Those who know me well know I tend to be a planner and generally on top of dates and things, and when she said that this morning I had yet another moment of thinking, "Wow, you really are a little mini-me." :)
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