Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Isn't this how you sleep?

One morning, when we Alex woke up, we found that instead of having his random assortment of stuffed animals and things IN bed with him (as he had been doing), he had lined them up on the front of his bed. The only "comfort item" left in his bed was his grabber toy. Yes, this is one of those robot arm grabber toys where you squeeze the yellow handle and the red claw closes on the item needing to be grabbed. It is one of Alex's favorite things. He MUST have it IN bed with him UNDER his covers inorder to sleep.

The items on his bed: 2 Cars slippers, 2 stuffed puppies, 1 stuffed tiger, 1 sippy cup of water, and for some unknown reason.... 1 gray sock.
He has now had these things lined up while he sleeps for about a week. He wears his slippers sometimes, but they always have to be balanced carefully up on his bed before he can go to sleep.

Alex loves to be funny. Tonight we were in the middle of dinner (which is why his face is all messy in the photo), when Alex got up from the table and ran to get something. He came back seconds later and sat down as if nothing strange had happened and waited for a reaction. Yes, that is a nerf suction cup foam target stuck to his forehead. :) Silly guy.

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