Monday, December 15, 2008

Old Spaghetti Factory... and more

Cory's birthday was on Saturday, and we went out for dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory. Cory and I love that restaurant, but we haven't gone there much at all since Molly was born. It was a busy night at the restaurant, and we almost didn't stay because of the parking issues and the 45 minute wait, but I'm very glad we did. Molly and Alex really loved it! Better yet, because they loved it, Cory and I were able to really enjoy our meal. Usually the kids eat 2 bites at a restaurant and then get squirmy and want to go. This time, they were actually still eating when Cory and I decided we really should go so bedtime didn't get too late.

Another amazing thing happened. Molly declared it one of her new favorite restaurants AND asked if we could go there on her birthday. This is a big deal because until the Old Spaghetti Factory, the only place Molly ever requested was McDonalds. We live 4 blocks from a McDonalds and Molly and Alex STILL act excited every time we drive by (daily) and ask if we can go there. They usually start chanting MC-DON-ALDS! MC-DON-ALDS! MC-DON-ALDS! and beg to go there even if we have JUST eaten a meal at our own house. I really don't understand the obsession, and I am VERY thankful to get a normal, nice, non-fast-food restaurant on Molly's list of favorites.


Peanut butter blossoms are Cory's favorite cookie, and we made dozens of them on Saturday (for us and for a cookie exchange). I bought 3 bags of Hershey's kisses on Thursday in preparation for our cookie making time.

Alex was with me when we bought them, and begged to have one. I told him no, and told him we had to save them for the cookies we were going to make. Later that day, I didn't see where Alex had gone, so I called his name. He peered out from the office and told me to go back downstairs. I love that at this age it is always really obvious when someone is doing something someone should not be doing.

I walked to him and found him standing with his hands inside the center front pocket of his sweatshirt. He told me I should leave him alone and go back downstairs.
I asked him what he had in his pocket. He just stared at me, trying to muster his best innocent look. I told him he had to show me what he had in his pocket, and reluctantly he pulled out one hand after another. Each held a chocolate kiss.

I saw a scissors behind him and the corner of the bag on the floor. I asked him where the bag was, and he showed me. He had stashed it into a desk drawer!!! Oh, so close yet so far away! :) He thought he'd have his own private chocolate stash. LOL! Too bad Mommy ruined that idea!

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