Monday, June 4, 2007

Happy Pretend Birthday!

Molly's preschool class celebrated pretend birthdays for kids who have summer birthdays this week. Molly's pretend 4th birthday was today. (Her real birthday is August 31.) She got to bring a special treat of her choice (powdered sugar donut holes and goldfish crackers) to class. They had a special Birthday Crown for her to wear, and she got to be the line leader today. She LOVED it!

Isn't this sweet? I walked into the living room to find Molly and Alex cuddled up on the couch reading books! Awe! It was entirely unprompted, I promise. Amazing things happen when you don't watch TV. Yes, our family is trying a little experiment we are calling "TV Free June". We're trying to break some TV addictions and make better use of our time. So far we've been doing well (but we are only on day 4). :)

Molly made a snow globe in preschool for Cory for an early Father's Day present. That's her photo inside. She told Cory, "You can take this to work so you can look at it every day and remember how much you love me." How cute is that?
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