Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Funny Stories

Today I was talking to Molly about how kindergarten was, and then I walked into the kichen to get something and saw the door to the deck wide open. I walked out onto the deck and this (below) is what I saw! I said, "Alex, what are you doing?" He said, "Just setting up the pool." It's September. Anybody want to come over for a swim? Silly boy. That pool was one I bought on clearance a few weeks ago to save for next summer. Our inflatable ones don't seem to make it past 3 months, so I thought we'd try this kind and see how it goes. I meant for it to stay in the box until June, though! I had it in the house and planned to take it to the garage the next time I went outside, so I had left it laying by the deck door, where apparently Alex found it.

Alex is so fun. He's such a sweet boy, too. 95% sweet, active, intense, persistent, kind, funny boy and 5% Tazmanian Devil. It's that 5% that throws me for a loop sometimes. I mean, how many times do I have to tell him to ASK if he wants something that he sees... like a new swimming pool in an unopened box maybe?

THIS is what remains of the pool box. See! 5% Tazmanian Devil. I wonder which side of the family those genes come from??? He didn't just neatly open the box. He tore it to shreds!


Let's see what other funny stories I can remember...

At family camp we were canoing in a lake with thousands of lily pads. Molly was sure she was going to spot a frog on one of them. After a while, she still hadn't seen any frogs and was getting disappointed. She said, "I think I need to call them!" Then she made this really funny sound that was halfway between a croak and a ribbet. "Crrrooooooooorrrrrriiiiiibbbbiiitt, Crrrrrroooooooooooooorrriiiiibbbiitt, Crrrooooooooooarribbbit!" Then she waited, but still the frogs did not come. She didn't understand why, because after all, she clearly speaks frog.

If poop offends you, don't read this next story.

Cory was walking upstairs with Molly and Alex for bedtime one night. Molly shouts, "Dad, watch out for Alex's poop on the step!"


Cory and I are shocked and horrified and are trying VERY hard not to bust out laughing, which would only encourage things like this. We asked Molly what happened, and she said that Alex had given her something and then told her it was his poop. She didn't want to hold it, so she put it on the step. (and didn't tell us?!?) Wow.
Later, I was still confused about when this whole thing could have happened. Then I spied an opened Clif bar on the basement carpet. If you aren't familiar, Clif bars are a kind of granola/power bar and, well, they do kind of resemble poo. Apparently Alex found a Clif bar, opened it, ate some, and then gave Molly a chunk of it and told her it was his poop. He's always trying to be a comedian, but wow, I didn't expect the poop jokes to start already at age 2!

Wait, it gets even better! The next morning, Alex wasn't eating his cereal for breakfast and started asking if he could have a bar. Normally the Clif bars aren't for the kids, but since that one was already opened I asked if he wanted the rest of it. He said he did. He ate some of it. Then, a few minutes later, I heard Molly yell, "Mom, Alex is trying to give me his poop again!!!!" Yes, again he tried to pull the same stunt on Molly! Little stinker!


I'm sure there are more. I'll try to keep more caught up on blogging so I can post things before I forget them. :)
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great stories! Concerning the poop one, here's a knock knock joke:

Knock Knock.
—Who's There?
I eat mop.
—I eat mop who?
You eat your poo!? Gross!

(Please delete this if you or someone else finds it offensive.)
