Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Funny Stories

Last night, Alex had trouble falling asleep. He called for us, and when Cory went up to check what he needed, Alex said he was hungry and requested a cheese stick. Cory gave him one, and we didn't hear another peep from Alex.
When we were going to bed, Cory checked on Alex, and he saw the cheese stick still in the wrapper laying on Alex's pillow. He put it back in the fridge so it wouldn't go bad.
Then at 5:30am, we woke up to Alex yelling for "DADDDDDDDDYYYYY DAAAAADDDDY DADDY!" Guess what Alex wanted? His cheese stick. Apparently it had become a comfort item and not just a source of nourishment. Cory got Alex's cheese stick, and Alex fell back asleep (Praise God for that! I don't deal well with early mornings!).
When Alex woke up for the day, I went in his room to find him laying in bed still holding his precious cheese stick. How funny is that?
I grabbed the camera, and Alex was not happy about it. He promptly covered his face, but you can still see his cheese stick. :)
This photo also shows Alex's deep love for stripes. LOL!

We were all in the car last night, and Molly and Alex were excited to see the moon. Molly has a thing for crescent moons for some reason, and she was very excited to see that last night's moon was a crescent moon.
Molly asked why the moon is sometimes a crescent and sometimes not. I went in to a simplified explanation of how it all depends on the position of the sun, moon, and earth. She thought that the moon's shape changed, and I told her the moon is always a sphere, but the amount that is lit up by the sun changes, etc. After we were done talking about it, she said, "Well, I still think the moon just lets out some of it's air."
I looked at Cory and said, "And THAT is why I do not homeschool." :)


Cory and I are often amazed at the funny things Molly and Alex do, and how they can be so alike. They do have differences of course, but Alex does so many things just like Molly did at his age.
Do you remember how Molly went through a stage where she was obsessed with toothbrushes and would wash them in the bathroom sink? That ended quite a while ago. Now guess who can be found washing toothbrushes in the bathroom sink? Alex.
Molly went through a phase where she went through SOOOOO much paper, just putting a little scribble on each page. Molly also used to ball up paper and do odd things with it.
Guess what Alex is into now? See the photo below. He is going through pads of paper, writing a little scribble or drawing on it. Then he balls it up and gets nice, new ziplock baggies out and fills them with paper. Then he'll say, "I'm making this for Gideon" or something random. Ok, whatever. I think he made 4 or 5 of these bags of crumpled paper drawings today.
So... do all kids do these weird things? Or are my kids just weird and weirdly alike in their weirdness?
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Anonymous said...

A cheese stick? Well, I guess that is easy enough. :) I loved the moon story, she is always thinking...reminds me of you. As for the paper, at least he is neat about it! Gramdma L

Leah Miller said...

The paper story is hilarious. Cal does semi-weird things- Wraps up a penny inside of paper he scribbled on, tapes it shut and gives it to me as a birthday present. I think the ziploc bags could possibly be weirder. :)