Monday, February 9, 2009

Probably more than you wanted to know...

(warning - poop story)

Just now, Alex said he had to go poop (and he makes me go with him to the bathroom because he won't go to a different floor of the house alone). We ran upstairs, but instead of going into the bathroom, he went into his bedroom. I asked him what he was doing. He said he was just getting something. He got a crayon, his Star Wars lunch box where he keeps his drawings, and a notepad and brought them into the bathroom. He then said, "Mom, draw my poop."
I said, "What?"
A: Draw my poop.
E: I don't want to draw your poop, Alex. Yuck.
A: Not with my poop, with the pencil (it was a crayon but he said pencil).
E: I don't want to draw your poop with the crayon Alex. Just go. Hop on the potty now.
A: Draw my poop. Do it. Draw it with the crayon. (still not on the potty)
I decided the fastest way out of the bathroom would be to just draw it so I drew a little turd on his paper.
A: (looking at my drawing) No, that's a banana. Draw my poop. I have a big poop.
E: Just get on the toilet now.
Alex does and poops. After he's finished and we've wiped and washed hands and all that he looks at the drawing and says he's going to fix it because he has a long poop. I left, and he sat there for a while working on his drawing. Lovely.


Anonymous said...

Very creative! He's so funny. :)

Joslin3 said...

i am dying over here!! thst is hilarious emily :)

Anonymous said...

Gotta love that creativity!!