Sunday, November 8, 2009

The lego fight

Molly and Alex are getting really into building things with legos (the real legos - the tiny ones - not duplos). We only have one very small set, though, and not many fun pieces.

Today we were at the Mall of America and got some sets of wheels and some other fun pieces from the bulk bins at the Lego Store. When we got home, we made cars with the kids. Molly got some lego flowers and decided to make a flower delivery van. Alex made some other cars.

After a while, Cory and I left them playing so we could get some things done around the house. At first they played really nicely. Then we heard fighting.

Alex yelled, "Molly won't share the flowers". Molly said, "I am selling them from my van. They are one thousand ninety-nine dollars each and he only has nine ninety-nine so he can't afford them."

We told Molly to share the flowers.

Apparently she didn't share, and they both ended up kicking each other in the legs and then having time outs. Lovely.

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