Wednesday, September 1, 2010


This is a continuation of the post below with the minnow racing photos. After the reunion, we camped in our tent. It was the first time we had tent camped with the kids in several years. They were really excited!

Alex with his smore.


Our camping spot was on a huge grassy area. Molly and Alex had fun playing bocce ball while Cory and I packed up the tent before leaving.

This is a mayfly. It turns out Molly is terrified of these. The weekend we camped, there were hundreds of mayflies covering the walls of the campground bathroom. They don't bite or sting, but they do fly onto people and stick on clothing. Poor Molly screamed hysterically every time she needed to use the bathroom. We had to make sure the tent was 100% mayfly-free before she would go to sleep (and there were a lot of them, so it was a challenge to get them all out!)

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