Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

My parents came to visit this weekend. Here's a Mother's Day photo of my mom, Molly, Alex, and me. We had a really fun weekend together. :)

Molly and Alex love all of their grandparents. This weekend, my mom told Molly that when she woke up in the morning she could go wake them up and play. Alex is an early bird, but Molly typically sleeps in until after 8. On Saturday morning, though, she woke up at sunrise and went down to see them. Later my mom said that they had been playing in Molly's room the night before and Alex pulled up Molly's blackout shade... so that sun woke Molly up. On Saturday night, we made sure the shade was shut at bedtime, but again Molly woke up really early. On Sunday morning we were talking to Molly about it, and she said, "I snuck out of my bed and opened my shade so that I could wake up early this morning to play!" Little smarty-pants.

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