Sunday, May 11, 2008

More Dinosaurs... and Sunscreen issues

Evidence of more dinosaur injuries. Molly said the T-Rex (who is imaginary, by the way - we don't actually own a toy T-Rex dinosaur) bit the Brachiosaurus on the head. Ouch.

He got this Stegosaurus again too, so his feet and hind leg are bandaged with tape too.

Molly woke up on Wednesday morning with a red, puffy, rashy face (see above photo). :( Later we noticed her arms and lower legs were red and rashy too. Poor girl. She had a reaction to some sunscreen that had been applied the day before at a friend's house.

That rash was just beginning to clear up on Thursday. We played outside all morning on Thursday, and I used our usual baby sunblock on her that morning. When I picked her up from preschool at 4pm Thursday, I couldn't believe my eyes. She was REALLY red and itching all over. She looked way worse than she did initially, and it was obvious that she again had a delayed reaction to the sunscreen. Strangely enough, she was fine with our usual suncreen last week, and it has a different formulation than the stuff that caused the first reaction.

Molly was so itchy on Thursday that I took her to the doctor to make sure that it really was the sunscreen and not any other kind of illness. He confirmed that it was definitely contact dermatitis from the suncreen. He gave us some suggestions for helping to soothe the itchiness, but we still have no idea which chemical(s) caused the reaction.

I've been researching natural sunscreen options, which are out there but harder to find and more expensive. Hopefully these work better on Molly and we don't have any more reactions.

If you are interested, this website: is a great source of information on different skin care products (sunscreens, hair care products, toothpastes, lotions, makeup, etc.) with hazard rankings so you can see which products are best to avoid and which options are better for you.
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Lonny & Chris said...

Molly--sorry to see you look so miserable with your rash. Glad to know it's much better.
You sure take great care with your dinosaurs. Good job! I'm sure they feel better faster.
Thanks for sharing the stories and chuckles.

Joslin3 said...

ha. those dinosaurs are a crack up.
thanks for the info on the sunscreen, what a bummer for Molly!