Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pool Fun

I love that we have so many fun parks around with free kiddie pools. :)
We've been visiting the pools regularly. I remembered my camera on Tuesday, so here are some photos from our morning.

Inflatable pool toys were a bit hit. Here are Molly and Alex in some rings.

Molly (in the green ring), with friends Mado, Cal, and Hannah.

Alex (in front) and Molly (in back), with friends Lily, Mado, Hannah, Cal, and Issac.

Lately we've had some ants in our house. Not a whole army of ants after food or anything, but often 1 big outdoor ant each day gets in and wanders around. At first Molly and Alex loved watching the ant, but now they are big on killing any that they see. This morning, Molly saw on and started talking about how she needed to put down some ant traps. Later, I walked into the entryway to see random pieces of crumpled paper towel thrown around everywhere.
I asked Molly what they were. She said, "Those are the ant traps that will catch the ant." Uh, no, those are pieces of paper towel that won't catch anything. :)


Yesterday Molly was watching a show on PBS. There are no commercials for toys or anything on PBS, but in between shows they often advertise other PBS shows. Cyber Chase is a show Molly likes.
Anyway, as I was getting some food ready, Molly came up to me and said (I assume quoting directly from a commercial), "Mom, can I add Cyber Chase to my summer fun?"
Me: Add it to your summer fun? What does that mean?
Molly: Cyber Chase is a fun show and I want to add it to my summer fun. I would like to watch it every day. That would be really fun. Ok?


Yesterday I took Molly and Alex to the Mall of America in search of a new swimming suit for Molly. We have been swimming nearly every day so I wanted her to have a backup suit. Then maybe I'd be able to wash them now and then.

We ended up in Marshalls, which had a great selection of suits. As I was flipping through them, I noticed Alex playing with a display of flip flops and socks behind me. He found a Hannah Montana canvas bag and started stuffing it full of socks and flip flops. I let him do it because it was keeping him busy so Molly and I could look at the swimming suits. After we had picked one out, Alex proudly held out the Hannah Montana bag, which was PACKED full. He said, "Look at my bag, Mommy!"

Then he grabbed the price tag and pulled it off, saying, "Don't need this anymore." He tossed it to the floor.
I picked it up and told Alex that the bag DOES need it's tag and that we never take tags off until after we buy something. Then I tried to take the bag from him. He was NOT having it. He said, "No, MY BAG. It's MINE."
Of course, I was not going to let him have a Hannah Montana bag or a random assortement of flip flops and socks, so he laid on the floor kicking and crying as I put things back on the rack. He was not happy that I was undoing all of his shopping. Bummer.


Alex has been having a difficult time with bedtime lately. Unfortunately, I think he's probably nearing the point where he doesn't need an afternoon nap anymore, or at least his afternoon nap is making him not tired at bedtime. Last night he wasn't asleep until 11:30!!! Tonight it was better, but it was still after 10pm by the time he was asleep.
Alex doesn't just stay in his bed until he falls asleep... he constantly needs something, which makes for a long night. The funny part, though, is that each night after several hours of trying to get him to fall asleep, he suddenly declares that it is morning and he "already did" sleep. He demands to change into his new clothes for the day and to go downstairs and eat breakfast. What a silly nut!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the bright colors on the pool pictures!
