Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fun Times at the Children's Museum


It's been a while since I uploaded photos, so I'm a bit behind. On New Years Eve, we went with some friends to the Children's Museum.
There is a room there where the kids can pretend to be in a band and sing/play music. They have pretend instruments for them to hold, and the back wall is blue. There are TV screens in the room that then puts their images into a "music video" for them to watch as they perform. The kids love it! Alex and his friend Madeleine were waiting for the next song to start in the photo above.


Here Calvin and Molly are jamming.


There is a face painting station at the museum where all the kids can paint their own faces. They all LOVE this are are so serious about decorating their cheeks (and sometimes their entire faces). Here is the group showing off their art work. From L to R: Mado, Isaac, Cal, Alex, and Molly.

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Joslin3 said...

cute!! thanks for taking Mado with you guys that day, that was so great!

Leah Miller said...

Those turned out SO cute!