Thursday, January 15, 2009

Light Saber battles and more


Molly and Alex both got Star Wars light sabers for Christmas. They think it is fun to have little battles. So far no one has lost an eye. :)

Molly made us a Thank You card in Kids' Church a couple of weeks ago. I asked her teachers about it, and they said they had talked about thankfulness and had the kids write something they were thankful for in the card. Apparently many kids listed toys and other things like that and this was Molly's own idea. It is kind of funny to get a card like this from your 5-yr-old - incredibly precious and sweet, don't get me wrong - but still kind of funny, too. You are a sweetheart, Molly!


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Anonymous said...

Always love the stories and the photos are great. The thank you card is sooo sweet! Almost brings a tear. Grandma

Leah Miller said...
